Thursday, April 26, 2007

Some things aren't MEANT to be shared...

So I love being married. My husband is great, the apartment is great, the view is great, the job search is going great... one small problem.

My wonderful, sweet, charming husband shared something with me this last week that I am NOT so excited about. What did he share you ask??

His gross infected red eyes. Over the last 3+ years of knowing Ab he has always had these blood shot gross looking eyes at times. Disturbing yes, but contagious... nah. These fun eyes have gotten progressively worse for him over the course of the last 2 or 3 weeks. I felt bad for him wondering what could make his eyes like that at random. I mean.. it couldn't be pink-eye, he's had these eyes for 3 years.

Or is it?? I woke up yesterday morning with a particular pain in my left eye. It's not gooey like some gross eyes are. Just VERY dry and VERY painful.

If any of you know me very well... you know that I FREAK out when stuff comes near my eyes. Kristen had a fun time doing my makeup because of this. Eyedrops are another story. I'm reminded of an episode of FRIENDS (that Ab has yet to watch: Sorry dear). You know.... that one where Rachel has pink-eye. They have to LITERALLY hold her down to get the drops in. Pretty much the scene between Ab and I at lunch today. I HATE PEOPLE MESSING WITH MY EYES!!

Anywhooo... All that to say a public "Thank you" to my dear husband for being too stubborn to go to the doctor for your eyes and now infecting us both.


LoriLoo310 said...

Dang boys and their stubborn attitudes. Brandon's the same way.

We need to have a Friends fest. I could watch that show all day long.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that sounds gross! So have you been diagnosed with pink eye and if so what are you gonna do to get rid of it once and for all? I have had that and it sucks!! In the meantime, find you some stylish shades and rock it!

Benjamin said...

I mean... you had to know it was coming, right? I saw an interesting movie the other day that happened to mention the ACTUAL method of transference of pink-eye. It's an infection passed on by fecal matter. (waiting an appropriate time to let that sink it...... and smile..... and bow....)