Tuesday, September 4, 2007

It's all Lori's fault...

Last Saturday was the first "official" Saturday of college football. My husband has been pumped about this day for a while. Why... I am not sure. Last I checked OSU pretty much sucked, but he is loyal. You can NOT fault a boy for that. Seeing as how I have NOOOOOO interest in watching most football games (yes.. there are exceptions) Lori, Nici, and I decided that shopping was a MUCH better choice for us. With that said we loaded up the car and drove to Park City. Now, usually I am not a sucker for expensive items... especially items that you can PROBABLY find in other stores, but..... Lori made me.

Welcome.... the new member of the family. Yes. I welcomed a purse into the family. I mean crap. The thing cost more than the little white yapper at my front door right now. But.. not only did I buy a new member of the family.
I bought it's baby. How cute huh?

Now. I know what you're thinking. Lime green?? Yes. I love it. If you don't, you can go stick it somewhere.

Ab was really enthusiastic about my new purse. Can you tell??
Sometimes a girl must pamper herself.. and if anyone asks... Lori made me do it. HA!!