Last Saturday was the first "official" Saturday of college football. My husband has been pumped about this day for a while. Why... I am not sure. Last I checked OSU pretty much sucked, but he is loyal. You can NOT fault a boy for that. Seeing as how I have NOOOOOO interest in watching most football games (yes.. there are exceptions) Lori, Nici, and I decided that shopping was a MUCH better choice for us. With that said we loaded up the car and drove to Park City. Now, usually I am not a sucker for expensive items... especially items that you can PROBABLY find in other stores, but..... Lori made me.

Welcome.... the new member of the family. Yes. I welcomed a purse into the family. I mean crap. The thing cost more than the little white yapper at my front door right now. But.. not only did I buy a new member of the family.

I bought it's baby. How cute huh?
Now. I know what you're thinking. Lime green?? Yes. I love it. If you don't, you can go stick it somewhere.

Ab was really enthusiastic about my new purse. Can you tell??
Sometimes a girl must pamper herself.. and if anyone asks... Lori made me do it. HA!!
As a guy who spends money others don't understand on stupid things like paintball guns and gadgets that are out of date before they hit the shelves just because "I want to", I have to support your right to any purse you desire. Wait, no I don't! You're not my wife. Wait again... you know my wife so you could tell on me... nevermind. I need to support her habits so she will support mine...
So on third thought - "I think you made a great choice and you deserve more!"
i don't know you, but i've decided we must be OBF's (online best friends, of course!) for the following reasons:
you're friends with Lori, and i'm a big fan of hers, so you're clearly awesome by proxy.
you liked my nursery, which means you have great taste (and because i enjoy the occasional compliment)
that purse is basically perfect. and i'm completely jealous that it belongs to you. and i'm especially glad you bought the wallet. if purse/wallet combos were food, yours may well be my choice as a "last supper"
Yep, it is all my fault. But my similar puchase is all your fault. Our husbands will never let us go shopping together again ... we just feed off each other. It's dangerous.
So, trip to Coach Outlet again soon?
OK, Brandi! Time to post more than once a month!!! Your fans from out of state are dying out here! ;) Get to typin'.
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