Friday, October 26, 2007

Coma NO!!

I think my inner fat kid just slipped into a coma. Yup. I'm sure she has. Ab and I started a cleanse program on Wednesday. It's a really great way to rid your body of bad toxins, etc and replenish with the proper nutrients etc. (Honestly.. I don't know too much about it.) My friends did it.. .lost weight and so I jumped in. I trust my friends... esp when it involves fitting into those jeans that have just been hanging in my closet looking at me with an evil glare for the better part of a year.

Today is Day 1 or 3. There are to pre-cleanse days before two of your "cleanse" days. I'm starving, I have a headache, my eye has been twitching NON-STOP for more than 24 hours, and I have no energy. Yet. I still hold out hope that these "nutrients" will slide into my body and give me life. In the meantime, the fat kid is sleeping. She gave up. Poor thing has been running my world from the inside for a long time. I will wake her back up when this is all over, but she will now know her limits. Maybe she was my source of energy??

Hmm. Anywho. Nothing too exciting to post. Just hungry and I thought i'd gripe about it on here since Ab won't let me. ha!

He's a much stronger man than I...

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Ok. I know you people read our blog. You constantly "talk" to us about it, and you know events in our lives.. so.. COMMENT ALREADY!!

It is so depressing to blog, knowing full well that you have readers, and never recieve comments.

Those of you waiting on Ab to make some profound and interesting blog.. keep waiting. His personal blog has not been updated in almost a year. I have tormented him about it and still.. NO BLOG. I apologize. Also, I have a personal blog. That cute little link on the right that says Brandi. I know you read that too. COMMENT!!

Sorry for the rant.

Good news. Today is my last day of work!!!!! How exciting. Yes, i'll go back at some point. No idea to what yet, but i'll go back. I'm not made to stay at home all day. Especially since the hubby already does that. We love each other, but that much time.. Hello. We are human.

Jamie lands in 18 hours. I'm pumped.

Monday, October 8, 2007

All about us...

So I totally swiped this from someone else's blog, but.. it was cute so I decided to take it as my own.

Who is your man? Ab
How long have you been together? Married 6 months...
How long dated? 4 years in Feb
How old is your man? 27
Who eats more? Probably him
Who said "I love you" first? Ab did...
Who is taller? Me!! and I LOVE pointing that out to him.. he hates it
Who sings better? Ab.. I can NOT carry a tune
Who is smarter? Depends on what aspect... books- him. Day-to-day stuff.. ME
Whose temper is worse? Mine.. by far. It's scary!
Who does the laundry? We both do, but him mostly these days
Who takes out the garbage? I do. I'm the only one that manages to smell the stink and notice that it is OVERFLOWING
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Depends on which way you are looking at it
Who pays the bills? Him, I just write a check
Who is better with the computer? Ab. I dont even know how to defrag or reformat stuff (Shhhh don't tell the boss though)
Who mows the lawn? Neither one of us. That is the beauty of apt living
Who cooks dinner? I do most of the time
Who drives when you are together? Him. Always
Who pays when you go out? Doesn't really matter. It's all the same money
Who is most stubborn? Again. This is def me. Hands down
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Tough one
Whose parents do you see the most? Neither. They are both 1200 miles away
Who kissed who first? I kissed him.. he wussed out
Who asked who out? Again.. this was ALL Me
Who proposed? He did. Almost a year ago now
Who is more sensitive? Depends on the topic
Who has more friends? It think we have an equal amount of friends and we share them.
Who has more siblings? Well it's the same if you count step-siblings, but after next summer Ab will have me beat by a sister
Who wears the pants in the family? Ab for sure, he just likes to let me think I wear the pants... what a nice guy

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Yea.. you know you wanna go

If most of you are like me, the thought of going to the gym and working out makes you cringe. Probably more than cringe. I HATE WORKING OUT. I always have. You have to get ready, drive down there, find a machine (this is a true task in most gyms.. especially if you observe that whole personal space rule), and then actually do something. You have to start making those muscles that you have neglected for so long burn and ache with every second you are there. Well....

In an effort to get into better shape... or as we like to say "back to our fighting weights", Ab and I have joined a gym. Now. This is not just any ol' gym. You know we don't roll like that. This gym is something special, something spectacular, it has the ability to make us actually LOOK FORWARD to going. Yep, the girl who hates the gym actually looks forward to her next visit. Why you ask? No, no.. it has nothing to do with the crack in the water... The gym has everything, and I really do mean everything. If you don't believe me check it out

I have to say sorry to my readers in OK.. or should I say nee ner nee ner nee ner.. you dont have one!! HA!

Jealous?? I think you should be